Guys!! Guys!! 'Member to not forget that the Holidaytimes Pajamaman is coming Saturdaytimes PLUS Sundaytimes for special visits so's he can read more of my ELEVENTY DAYTIMES OF CRISPYMESS poemstory for you!! Truestory!! See you in the DReamingplace!! H❤️ H❤️ H❤️


*RainbowValley Memorial* 

Hey, guys. Sorta seems like I just wroted one of these, butt nowabouts I need to write a 'nother one. Yup. Plus, this one is real ouchy cuz... truestory one of my bestest friendlypals just went over the Bridge. Yes. So... let's all say one more nightynightimes for... JASPER THE HANDSOME CAT. 💜 💜 💜

HappyMerryWeekendtimes, everybuddy!! 😊❤️

HappyMerryWeekendtimes, everybuddy!! There is sooperlots for doing to get all ready for the Holidaytimes, so, me plus Mirabelly are gonna be offa the 'puterbox 'till the Mondaytimes, butt we are hoping you guys have big piles of sooperfun awesometimes 'till we see you then!! YES!! 😊❤️😘❤️😍❤️

ANGEL P HARTMAN (2004-2017)

*RainbowValley Memorial* 

Hi, guys. Truestory it has been a whiles since I wroted a Rainbow Valley Memorial, butt... now is when I have to write a shinynew one. Yes. Plus, I am needing your helpings and extra lovings to say one more nightynightimes to  ... ANGEL P HARTMAN. 💜 💜 💜