Archie and his Fire Safety Partner, Firefighter Jason Poole!
Help Archie keep everyone safe by reading and sharing his Fire Safety Posts!
CANADA DAY Holidaytimes skysparklers can be sooperscary for puppies, guys!! Dangerous and stuff, even!! So help keep them safe with my list of STUFF THAT HELPS WITH FIREWORKS!! :😊 💜
Hi, guys!! This times on STUFF THAT HELPS, we are gonna talk 'bout SLIPPERY ELM!! Yup!! I have used it lots'nlots plus it has helped me out a whole bunch!! Mirabelle too!! 😀 💜
This times on STUFF THAT HELPS, we are gonna have a real good looksee at Apple(berry) Cider Vinegar, guys!! It is soopergood for you, butt tastes like a haunted scarecrow!! Seriousface!! 😝 😁 😜
Okeedoke, everybuddy!! I can't even hardly wait to introduce you to my friendlypal MingyurRinpoche!! He is gonna 'splode your brainmelon with a 'mazing, shinynew way to make meditational thinkingthoughts work for YOU!! Plus he is sooperfun with bellychuckles too!! You will see!! 😀 💜
Guys!! Skootch in and stuff 'cuz I am gonna share my sooper'mazing recipe for PEANUTTYBUTTER BANANARANG CAKE!! 😃 😃 😃
*Stuff That Helps*
Guys.... if your brainmelon is full-up with worrythoughts, it sooperhard to keep Happy in your Heart!! That is why I am sharing sciencefacts 'bout how to have... NO MORE WORRYTHOUGHTS!! 😄 💜
Hey, guys!! Ona 'count of it being the HappyHoppyEastertimes, plus 'cuz puppies can't have the chocolateystuffs their peoplefriends eat nowabouts, here is a 'mazing sooperhealthy treat that will make your puppypals go CRAZYBANANAS!! I am not even joshing!! 😃 😃 😃
Did you know that this daytimes is the INTERNATIONAL DAY OF HAPPINESS!!?? Yup!! I am not even joshing and stuff!! Plus lots'nlots of peoples allover everywheres are celebrating with lotsa talkings 'bout how everybuddy can be waymorehappier when they do these 10 things I will share with you: You will see!!
This times on Stuff That Helps! I am gonna show you how to make my most favoritist yummysummy treat in evertimes plus know what!!?? It is 'MAZING!! You won't even bleeve how good it is for your puppypals plus even YOU TOO!! I am not even joshing, guys!! It is a CANCER-FIGHTER!! 😄😄😄
Guys!! Guys!! This times on Stuff That Helps! I am gonna show you how to make the most 'mazing-ist treat for your puppypals when it is stinkywarm in the outsideplace!! They will LUVLUVLOVE IT!! :) :) :)
Let's have a looksee at accu-pokey, guys!! Yes!! It has helped me lots, plus maybe it can help you plus your puppy too!! PLus you get to see a soopercool picturemovie with me plus Mirabelle innit!! 😊😊😊
This time on Stuff That Helps! I am talking 'bout CHIRO-CRUNCHY, guys!! Yup!! 'Cuz keeping your bonybits all in the right place can help with lotsa stuff!! Check it out, K? K!! 😊😊😊
There is a sooperdangerous gigantical posieplant out there that you gotta watch out for, K? K!! It's called a GIANT HOGWEED PLANT plus here is what you need to know!!....
Hey, guys!! Does your puppypal like to chew on nice, juicy grassycarpet?? Me too!! Know what!!?? That is actually AOK for puppies!! Plus know what else!!?? Now you can buy some at the grocerystore for a HappyFunTimes treat!! Yup!! 😊😊😊