The Brindlebunch Kingdom has lost its Handsome Prince.
Archie and his Fire Safety Partner, Firefighter Jason Poole!
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The Brindlebunch Kingdom has lost its Handsome Prince.
The Brindlebunch Kingdom has lost its Queen.
GUYS!! THE HOLIDAYTIMES PAJAMAMAN is coming this very nightynightimes to share big piles of giftypresents plus HappyHeartHugs and stuff!! TRUESTORY!! Butt ‘fore that, me plus Mirabelly wanted to do some hangout-ery with you guys to say how much we luvluvlove you, PLUS … to sahre the bestest Crispymess poemstory of them alls:‘TWAS THE NIGHTYNIGHTIMES A’FORE CRISPYMESS!! YUP!! So skootch on in, sillies!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Here we go-go-go, everybuddy!! Won more DOOP DEE DOOP with me, plus Mirabelly, K? K!! For this times we are not gonna exploradventure inna park or out in the wilderwild or anythings like that!! Nope!! For this LASTEST times, we are gonna DOOP DEE DOOP down ‘MEMBERING LANE!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Great googilymoogily, everybuddy. This is gonna be my mosttoughest storytimes in all of evertimes, butt …. now is when me plus Mirabelly have to say our byebyes to doing hangout-ery on the interwebsnet. Yup. Plus most importantal of alls, now is when we say our byebyes to YOU - our bestest friendlyfriends - so … skootch on in won last times, K? K. ‘Cuz we have lots of feelyfeels for sharing with you.
Okeedoke, everybuddy!! Now is when Mum plus Pop share alla their ‘motions plus thinkingthoughts ‘bout everythings that has happened since me plus Mirabelly started to post our ‘ventures on FayBo. Yup!! Get comfy, ‘cuz they have lots’nlots of HappyHeartHugs plus wordybits just for YOU!!
Park Review #600
London, Canada - Snort Index Rating: 0.0 SNORTS!!
WE DID IT, GUYS!! Plus my (600th) Park Review is the WORSTEST won in all of evertimes!! Yup!! How come!!?? Well … I HAVE SOME SOOPER’PORTANT STUFFS FOR SHARING WITH YOU, so skootch on in, K? K!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Park Review #599
Dundas, Canada - Snort Index Rating: 4.5 SNORTS!!
Okeedoke, friendlypals!! It is almostly my lastest Park Review ‘fore I get to (600), plus this is won of the mostcoolist, most beautifullish, plus most GIGANTICAL Park Reviews in all of evertimes!! So skootch on in!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Park Review #598
Woodstock, Canada - Snort Index Rating: 4.0 SNORTS!!
Hey, guys!! How ‘bout a whole ‘nother park with a sooperweird name and stuff!!?? IKNOWRITE!!?? Anyhoozle, this won is nice for DOOP DEE DOOPING, plus it even has somethings SOOPERSPECIAL!! You will see!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Park Review #597
Shakespeare, Canada - Snort Index Rating: 2.5 SNORTS!!
Hey hidey-ho, everybuddy!! Wanna see a real nice, little park that is perfectal for reflectorating plus ‘membering peoplefriends plus ‘portant stuffs!!?? Okeedoke!! Let’s go-go-go onna not-so-long DOOP DEE DOOP, K? K !! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Park Review #596
St. Thomas, Canada - Snort Index Rating: 3.0 SNORTS!!
Check it out, everybuddy!! This park has a sooperweird name, plus aslotimes it is won of the most GIGANTICAL sporty-type parks I have seen in all of evertimes!! You are prolly not even gonna BLEEVE it!! Prolly!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Park Review #595
Woodstock, Canada - Snort Index Rating: 2.5 SNORTS!!
Slootch on in, everybuddy!! ‘Cuz for THIS Park Review I am gonna take you to a park that is all ‘bout PEACEFULLNESS and stuff!! Plus everybuddy needs waymorelots of that, amirite!!?? Truestory!!
Park Review #594
Hamilton, Canada - Snort Index Rating: 4.0 SNORTS!!
Hey, friendlyfriends!! Now is when I share with you the most GIGANTICAL city-type park I have seen so fars!! Yup!! Plus it has EVERYTHINGS!! I even got to drive a wheelycart innit!! FOR REALS!! You will see!!
Park Review #593
London, Canada - Snort Index Rating: 3.5 SNORTS!!
Okeedoke, everybuddy!! Now is when I share the LASTEST park in my GIGANTICAL, FREE (3) PARK DOOP DEE DOOP EXPLORADVENTURE!! Yup!! Plus this won has a chunk called … THE BEAR MEETING PLACE!! YUP!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Park Review #592
London, Canada - Snort Index Rating: 4.0 SNORTS!!
Guys!! Now is when I share the NEXTEST chunk of my HAMILTONPLACE WATERFALLINGS MEGA-DOOP!! Yup!! Was sooperfun awesometimes, butt for THIS chunk, me plus Pop got totally LOSTED!! For reals!!
Park Review #591
Hamilton, Canada - Snort Index Rating: 4.0 SNORTS!!
Guys!! FINALLYTIMES I get to share my HAMILTONplace WATERFALLINGS Park Reviews!! Yup!! They are all from won gigantical DOOP DEE DOOP EXPLORADVENTURE me plus Pop did, plus it was the most funnist in all of evertimes!! You will see!!
Park Review #590
Woodstock, Canada - Snort Index Rating: 5.0 SNORTS!!
WHOA!! Guys!! This park was AWESOMETIMES, plus I can’t even hardly wait to share with you!! ** BUTTWIGGLE ** Put on your walkingsocks, ‘cuz now is when we go-go-go DOOP DEE DOOPING!! YES!!
Park Review #589
London, Canada - Snort Index Rating: 2.5 SNORTS!!
Times for a ‘nother sneaky-type park, guys!! This won is pretty big and stuff, butt it is hiding behind a learningschool for crying out Pete!! IKNOW!!
Park Review #588
Salford, Canada - Snort Index Rating: 3.0 SNORTS!!
Okeedoke, everybuddy!! This here park was soopertough for ‘ciding a SNORT INDEX RATING ‘cuz truestory it is sooperdooper beautifullish, butt alsotimes … SORTA DANGEROUS TOO!! You will see!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Park Review #585, #586 & #587
London, Canada - Snort Index Rating: 2.0 SNORTS!!
Hey, hidey-ho, Doop Dee Doop Troopers!! For THIS Park Review, I am gonna smush FREE (3) differenter chunks of my Forest City into won big ‘ol Review!! Skootch on in so's I can tell you how come, K? K!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️